Living Plastic free


EDC‘s (endocrine disrupting chemicals) are found in a number of food items, chemicals, plastics, packaging, cleaning products, cosmetics and in the environment.

Some of the most common EDCs include BPA (Bisphenol A), Phthalates and Parabens.

EDC’s are harmful for the female and the male reproductive system they may lead to issues with subfertility, infertility, mensural cycle abnormalities, poor egg and sperm quality and possible DNA damage to the eggs and sperm.

This may further result in failed conception and early miscarriage

EDC‘s are also linked to early puberty and early menopause.


There are a number of ways that you could reduce the amount of EDC exposure -

-Reading the labels of all the products that you buy

-Minimize the use of chemicals and cosmetics that contain EDC’s when possible.

-Using biodegradable and green material.


-Wash vegetables and fruits before consumption.

-Avoid soft plastic bottles and containers, and use reusable glass or metal containers.